
Can you tell us a bit about yourself?
I like to try different things, to do something new whether it's with my make-up or my clothes, it very much differentiates. There’s so much fun in experimenting, playing around with colors and seeing what fits.

How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Creative, authentic, and passionate.

What is your motivation to join Rambler?
Before Rambler, I felt stuck in terms of what I wanted to do, and what passions or career I wanted to pursue. Someone reached out to me and suggested I check out the studio, since I knew I wanted to do something with fashion.

After my first day, it was pretty clear. I really liked the atmosphere at Ramblers. At first, I didn’t know what I signed up for, but I immediately felt accepted. Almost like I found my people.

How would you describe your style?
My style in terms of designing and what I like is the futuristic type of clothing, what you see with Iris van Herpen, but also very loose fits and flowy textures. I really like the organic look.

Can we add any website or social media?




Book now to work with Daan and help take his
next steps into Styling & Modelling.

Daan has committed himself to refining his style and uncovering what elevates his artistic vision and personal expression. Alongside this, Daan has also diversified his expertise by embracing elements of styling through make-up, hair, and modelling.

This stage represents a universal growth process for all designers—an
evolution towards crafting a signature style that authentically resonates
with the designer’s identity and purpose.

If you have Styling & Modelling opportunities for Daan,
please click the contact button below with your message.

Genesis (2022)

"Genesis staat voor een nieuw begin en/of oorsprong. Omdat dit mijn allereerste outfit is die ik ooit heb gemaakt. Ik wilde iets maken wat ik heel tof zou vinden om aan te trekken als ik uit zou gaan en dit is daaruit gekomen!"

Make-up Talent (2022)

Unlock Your Talent Experience - Modeling (2021)



